If you love Avatar (as I did) this party is for you! See video here.
Every theme party needs a GREAT cocktail.
Are looking to shake things up with your own Oscar themed party this Sunday? Why not try an original Absolut Avatar Cocktail? District Bar in Chicago, IL teamed up with champion mixologist Bridget Albert, author of Market Fresh Mixology, to create an out of this world cocktail inspired by James Cameron’s masterpiece and Oscar nominee, Avatar. Serve in Champagne glass (rim in blue sugar).
1 oz Absolut Berri Acai
1/2 oz St Germaine
3/4 oz Pineapple juice
1/2 oz Fresh sour (Lemons, Limes, Simple Syrup)
Top with Moet Champagne or Prosecco
Add all ingredients, except champagne, into cocktail shaker. Add ice. Shake. My friend and master mixologist Elayne Duke gave me this Party-to-go tip. Rim the glass in sugar with no mess. Here's how: cut a slice into a lemon just wide enough for the rim of your champagne glass to fit. Twist the lemon around the glass rim a few times. Then dip glass in sugar! 1, 2, 3 so EASY and no mess!
Food suggestions:
Terra Blue Potato and Stripes and Blues Vegetable Chips
An all green crudites- on a three tiered trey you can create your own tree of life from your favourite raw, green vegetables.
Organic salsa
Food and Decor
Suspend mini frozen potato puffs from miniature toy trees. I found this amazing acacia tree from Schleich at Moomah in NYC. It looks like Target carries them too. I used clam shells I found online at Delta Shells to rest the potato puffs and nestle in the tree branches.
I suggest serving Wolf Gang Puck’s Salmon Blinis on clear glass tray's covered with a blue stone, like these found at Michaels . The pirogues or blinis are from the freezer. I just make a sauce of sour cream, smoked salmon and topped with chopped chives.
Set the food a top glowing blue rope lights to set the scene. I used an old round vase that was about 21 inches high and wrapped this Hampton Bay Blue Rope Light found at Home Depot. You don't even need a vase, you could just rest your bowl right on top of the coiled lights.

For more every day ideas check out my new site www.celebrateeveryday.tv