1. Identify the event objectives and intentions.
2. Create a budget (even for home events this is helpful).
3. Make a timeline and share with everyone participating. Outline each person's role in the steps to ensure the best communication.
4. Communication, Communication, Communication. At every step make sure everyone is aware of your activities, goals and outcomes.
5. Add in your (the event planner or host) thoughtfulness and creativity.
For examples of above and more information:
I teach at the Learning Annex every month in NYC- http://www.learningannex.com/default.taf?sctn=CN&_function=detail&cnum=559BNY&cat=
I will be guest speaking at UCLA in Mark Stern's Professional Selling: A Practical Approach- in Los Angeles February 26th - www.uclaextension.edu/ Search MARK STERN
And, teaching a four hour "How to become an Event Planner" course at SUNY Ulster in Kingston, NY March 29th - http://www.sunyulster.edu/programs_courses/pdf/CE_Brochure.pdf
Look under the heading NEW CAREERS
And, teaching a four hour "How to become an Event Planner" course at SUNY Ulster in Kingston, NY March 29th - http://www.sunyulster.edu/programs_courses/pdf/CE_Brochure.pdf